Ábrahám Szilágyi

Ábrahám Szilágyi

  · 2 min read

Angular2 + S3 = Love (Deploy to cloud in 6 steps)

Beginners guide to deploy Angular 2 app to Amazon S3 in 6 easy steps.

Beginners guide to deploy Angular 2 app to Amazon S3 in 6 easy steps.

Step #1 — Create a new Angular app with the angular-cli

First of all, you need an Angular app (if you haven’t got any). Install angular-cli with npm:

npm install -g @angular/cli

After installation was successful create a new project:

ng new cloud_project

This will install all dependencies, and everything you need (it takes a while).

Ok! We have a project. A new project folder was created, and contains all the files we need. We can now start our new app with:

cd cloud_project
ng serve

Visit your localhost:4200 in your browser. It’s working. Cool.

Step #2 — Build your app

Angular CLI comes with Webpack module builder. Luckily we need exactly this. :) To build the app run this:

ng build --prod --aot

After this, a new dist folder generated, which have the bundled files.

Step #3— Register to Amazon AWS

You have to register a new AWS account, if you haven’t any.

If you are a new user, the first year will be totally free. After 1 year it will be just simply cheap.

Step #4 — Configure your bucket

Sign in to AWS console!

Create a new bucket! (Good naming convention cloud be like: cloud.szilagyiabo.com) We will upload our dist folder here.


You need to configure the bucket a little. First thing first: Enable Static Website Hosting Index document: index.html Error document: error.html


You also need an Access Key, and Security Key. To generate one follow this link. These will be asked later.

Step #5 — Managing your domain

You have to add a new CName on your domain management site (I use GoDaddy). Hostname: cloud.szilagyiabo.com Points to: cloud.szilagyiabo.com.s3-website.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com TTL: 1/2 hours


Step #6 — Upload files to bucket

If you want to automate your deploy process it is highly recommend to write a little script, which do the hard work.

First, we need a tool called AWS CLI. Let’s install it via pip:

pip install awscli

Next we have to configure it:

aws configure

This will start an interactive shell, and ask for the Access Key, Security Key (generated earlier), and a passphrase for encrypting files, which could be anything.

After that, we can write our deploy script, and run it. The deploy.sh script will look like this:

#upload files
aws s3 cp ./dist s3://BUCKETNAME --recursive --acl public-read

Obviously you have to change the bucket name. :)

And that’s all.

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